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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • if it was cheaper I bet more people wold be snorting it

    take a holiday to costa rica mang

    sadly most of the shit being sold as cocaine these days is rubbish .. edgy jittery confusion unable to talk shite. the ‘real cocaine ( immediate feeling of impowerment
    feeling of though everything in the world is perfect
    very little increase in heartbeat
    relaxed, calm and content underlying buzz, and not a slam your ass buzz!
    increased talkativeness to the point of insanity
    very increased libido and openess to sex
    no edgyness, ampyness, uncomfortableness or paranoia)

    are only available in certain quarters!

    @cozmic 452966 wrote:

    sadly most of the shit being sold as cocaine these days is rubbish .. edgy jittery confusion unable to talk shite. the ‘real cocaine ( immediate feeling of impowerment
    feeling of though everything in the world is perfect
    very little increase in heartbeat
    relaxed, calm and content underlying buzz, and not a slam your ass buzz!
    increased talkativeness to the point of insanity
    very increased libido and openess to sex
    no edgyness, ampyness, uncomfortableness or paranoia)

    are only available in certain quarters!

    9 out of 10 times i’m disappointed in powder cocaine.

    the crack around my area actually gives you a proper coke buzz and nice taste but obviously it’s short lived…. either way i’d rather smoke crack to powder coke any day but i personally think coke and crack is shit.

    but just sayin ya know… to all the people who dis crack but will sniff the powder…

    fuck u ephedrine!!

    coke is a waste of $$$$$’s after not being able to buy anything but coke and weed for ages, I am fed up of coke lol

    @cozmic 452966 wrote:

    sadly most of the shit being sold as cocaine these days is rubbish .. edgy jittery confusion unable to talk shite. the ‘real cocaine ( immediate feeling of impowerment
    feeling of though everything in the world is perfect
    very little increase in heartbeat
    relaxed, calm and content underlying buzz, and not a slam your ass buzz!
    increased talkativeness to the point of insanity
    very increased libido and openess to sex
    no edgyness, ampyness, uncomfortableness or paranoia)

    are only available in certain quarters!

    I bet I know what coke you’re talking about … it’s flake right? :laugh_at:

    really good coke will make you very paranoid!

    @p0ly 453455 wrote:

    really good coke will make you very paranoid!

    Only if you do it regularly (or take loads). The nasty speedy rush you get from UK coke isn’t coke, it’s what it’s boshed with.

    TBH I agree with poly but perhaps for different reasons, I am not and have never been a regular user of cocaine, and have only done crack on very few ocassions (I can count them on the fingers of one hand, and i am a London incomer to EA, not a native :wink:)

    but whenever I did it I always made sure it was good stuff from good sources but even then I felt edgy and paranoid. not so much due to the drug itself but the surroundings and the people you often ended up doing it with or buying it from. Not even that all cokeheads are arseholes – some are actually good people – but the feeling in the back of your mind that the cops might crash the door in at any time, and that if caught for coke then or now you will be judged much more harshly by both the criminal justice system and even your own family than for pills or cannabis or speed – plus the bad karma involved in the drugs distribution and production – there has always been a “hard man” / “gangster” element to cocaine and its the one “party” drug where I am aware of people I know getting hurt (including gunshots) over it.

    Also the cokehead circles tended to contain folk much more likely to grass or do spiteful stuff when things go tits up – for instance the chap what shot this chap I knew was in Court and he was clearly guilty and going down for time – in the open courtroom he made a allegation a high school friend of mine was bringing in illegals through his corner shop.

    In them days border agency wasn’t as harsh as now (it didn’t even exist) but it was just after the dotcom boom was turning into recession and Britain had pissed all the gains from it up the wall and lost loads of IT work to foreigners and there was a rise in right wing extremism – my mates family shop got all its windows bricked, his mum and sister and other young children stayed there, although thankfully they weren’t hurt the shop was driven out of business.

    All these people (including the gunman) were once good friends what partied together….

    @DaftFader 453456 wrote:

    Only if you do it regularly (or take loads). The nasty speedy rush you get from UK coke isn’t coke, it’s what it’s boshed with.

    i’m aware of the fact it’s boshed with shitty stims that’s why i say smoke crack over snorting stupid crap you don’t even know what it is and getting some ridiculously expensive crappy buzz. but i say it again i don’t actually recommend crack cos it’s all wank (coca)

    im gunna invest in some fishscale coke 85%+ in the next month, all coke is cut basically but a few years ago over here in NI you could get coke probs 35-40% and cocaine was the only active ingredient in it and a lot of booze and about 2 and a half grams of it completely blew the shit out of mdma/speed any stim ive took, but the booze is also a major factor, ive never had a buzz like it it was unbeleivable

    @wipeout 453485 wrote:

    im gunna invest in some fishscale coke 85%+ in the next month, all coke is cut basically but a few years ago over here in NI you could get coke probs 35-40% and cocaine was the only active ingredient in it and a lot of booze and about 2 and a half grams of it completely blew the shit out of mdma/speed any stim ive took, but the booze is also a major factor, ive never had a buzz like it it was unbeleivable

    I’m getting some of that soon as well lol.

    When you take coke after drinking, it metabolises into a compleatly diferant drug, that’s why alot of people love doing both together.

    yeh ive heard that to dnt hold me to it but if i recall right its a lot lot more dangerous/carcinogenic im sure no-one really cares if theyre taking it anyway but in this day and age what isnt lol

    Yep that’s correct, altho I’m sure as long as cokeaine has been about people have drunk whilst using it (at least in the western world).






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?