Forums › Drugs › Ecstasy & MDMA › What is Ecstasy?
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez make it legal its the best drug on the market
theres some comments that ppl had about not wanting to drop beans as they cant be certian all the effects/ side effects it will have on them- which is cool, have to respect that decision, only then at the same time if you are trying to caution other ppl off drugs by this tactic then you have to ask yourself do you actually know what your putting into your body? – like take any piece of meat do you know how many hormones are pumped into that? your tellin me thats healthy? or any veg how many chemicals and growth hormones are on them? you think the public is awear of all the effects/side effects this has on them?? hell no, but just the same they have to eat and dont think twice about the effect it may later have on them. so i guess really all it comes down to is any action has a reaction, and anything you put in your body, be it as simple as water, or railing some line, but you just have to beaware that anything you put in is going to obviously alter you in some way shape or form
One thing i would just like to suggest though is 5HTP — you can pick some up at a local health food store (lol i sound like an info-merical now lol) — but no just because one side effect they are certian about with e is that it effects your serotonin levels- as you SHOULD know if your popin them– but for those of you that dont know your serotonin levels modulate your mood, emotion, sleep and appetite — decreased serotoin levels play a key role in depression–anyways it is impossible to repair 100% the damage done by dropin but 5HTP has reverse effect on your serotonin levels… so although you cant fully fit the damage it is proven to fix it some
yeah ive heard of them like legal comedown pills any health shop you say…… will keep an eye out….
i was told about that, funnily enough, by another canadian when i was in rome, i wrote it down, got some, then ran out, lost the note and the bottle and couldnt remember what it was called.
cheers for that, quality info.
yeah– should be able to pick it up at any health food store– well i havent checked since i have been here in the uk– but i mean yeah back home tons of places carried it- its not too hard to find and not too expensive — so thats a plus lol
annd what can i say??— us canadians are just FULL of good advice lol–
but i def recommend it- cuz it really does help you not feel like such a dumb kid the next day lol– like not so sketched out at all– and also i just think its a good idea too because yeah since noone knows all the side effects e has on you, well atleast this reverses alot of the damage done— which is good cuz i mean noone knows all the side effect e has on you and you think anyones going to be willing to put any major money into that right now? not likley– and i mean some of the side effects are imediate and obvious (such as loss of appitite, eye wiggles lol — shivers) but do you ever wonder what side effects there are that arent going to emerge for years??- who knows — dont let your imagination wander too much with that gets scary lol– so yuh just since i cant ever be certian how much takin a pill now is going to effect me in 10, 20, 30 years or if it even will but hey better safe then sorry right?- so its cheap and reverses alot of the damage so hey in my books its worth getting!
5htp used to give me dreams where the boundary with reality was gone so they seemed real. Anyone else notice that?
I love pills,but mdma is the one for me. Messes ya up a lot more!!!!!!
I love pills,but mdma is the one for me. Messes ya up a lot more!!!!!!
how to know fake ecstasy?
Buy a testing kit….they are readily available online.
mdma is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam
best thing for me
So not true – Ive had loads of hard pills which have been excellent – however, most of the excellent pills i’ve ever taken had been soft – very soft such as yellow burgers, white doves which crumbled with the even softest of squeezes and double duches.
As mentioned before – pill testing kits. Although they are awkward to use in the toilet in a club. Try buying them before you get to a club and test them beforehand to make sure there is MDMA rather than K and other cutting agents.
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Forums › Drugs › Ecstasy & MDMA › What is Ecstasy?