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What is Heroin or Smack?

Forums Drugs Heroin & Opium What is Heroin or Smack?

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    It does look a bit cheese coloured.

    that is fucking nasty though how this stuff is being punted out in high schools…

    The wiki link is

    [yours didnt work SdZ :wink:]

    Raj wrote:
    The wiki link is

    [yours didnt work SdZ :wink:]

    Fixed 8)

    am I the only one who thinks the whole thing, harsh as it is, is quite surreal?

    It seems more like reading a b-movie script than an article on an aspect of real life in America, or maybe the USA is actually becoming a real-life b-movie..

    When I first found reference to this form of heroin I thought it was another Alan Partridge style windup – unfortunately its not which is really tragic.

    I spent ages researching it in as many original sources as I could get to before deciding to post the information here.

    Its very surreal.

    it seems to be the ultimate product of American hypercapitalism and the drug culture… poor quality, high profit product aimed at the high school/teenagers “party drugs” market rather than the older addicts…

    quite frightening really – It makes me glad that at least here for this “market sector” they are really only getting into ketamine..

    Four men have died in the space of five days from drug-related causes in a Dorset town, police have said.

    The four men, aged between 20 and 41, died between Friday and Tuesday in areas of Bournemouth. A warning has been issued to drug users over a possible rogue batch of heroin circulating in the town, but police said the deaths were not connected. Five men and a woman were arrested in connection with two of the deaths, which are thought to be heroin-related.

    Det Ch Insp Kevin Connolly, of Dorset Police, said: “It’s unusual to have this number of drug-related deaths and our thoughts go out to the friends and families of the victims. “We’re making inquiries into the circumstance of each case and at this time there’s nothing to suggest the deaths are connected, although at least two of the deaths are believed to be heroin related.

    “We’re awaiting toxicology tests in all cases and the results, together with the results of the post mortems, will indicate the cause of each death.

    ‘Harm reduction services’

    “We haven’t ruled out a rogue batch of heroin and I would like to alert drug users of this further danger they face.”

    The men died in four separate incidents in the Boscombe, Winton and Littledown areas of Bournemouth.

    David Hosie, of Bournemouth’s Drug and Alcohol Action Team co-ordinator, said: “These tragic events underline the fact that problematic drug users must use the help and support available locally.

    Treatment is available for drug users who want to stop using. “For those people who continue to use, I would urge them to contact the harm reduction services to get advice and support around safer injecting.”

    Always worth mentioning………..

    Thanks for that starlaugh :flowers:

    Always worth mentioning indeed.

    *Mods… Sorry i posted it here, cant post in the drugs thread becasue of me work filter…. Feel free to move it though*

    Gotto keep you busy :groucho:

    Massive heroin haul seized at port

    26 June 2007 | 12:21

    ONE of the largest-ever hauls of heroin to come in through Harwich has been seized by customs officers.

    Two Dutch sisters are today facing drug charges over the 115kg (253lb) consignment of the class A opiate, which has an estimated street value of more than £8million.

    Officers stopped a van yesterday shortly after it arrived on the ferry from the Hook of Holland.

    The vehicle was searched and the heroin haul was discovered in the back of the vehicle, hidden among some old furniture.

    Jacquline Merceij, 39, of Oudenbosch and Manon Merceij, 45, of Geeruliet, have been arrested and charged with smuggling offences.

    The pair were due to appear at Colchester Magistrates Court today.

    They were charged this morning with importation of controlled drugs contrary to Section 3 of The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, namely 115 kg of diamorphine (heroin).

    they are going away for a looonnnnggg time

    Holy fuck, thats a hell of a lot of gear.

    Seriously, don’t go the doctor root cos they will just make things worse’

    Long acting opiates are a real bitch to transcend’

    Google Ibogaine and stamp on the problem ones and for all’



    Two points to note’

    An addict supports a physical addiction.

    A junkie doesn’t give a monkeys two hoot fuck of what he takes to get the desired effect’

    Junkies have no self respect’

    Addicts do’

    Addicts prastice damage limitation’

    Junkies just fuck up everything so as to use’

    Users and abusers’

    Of which are you folks’







Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 312 total)
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Forums Drugs Heroin & Opium What is Heroin or Smack?