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whats a good ready made desktop computer these days?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology whats a good ready made desktop computer these days?

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  • I want to upgrade my home PC (which I also use for remote working – presently ita old toshiba portege laptop with a cooked battery so I used use it as a desktop replacement with ext. keyboard and dual monitor (LCD screen plus spare 1028 x 768 from work).

    I want at least 4GB RAM and Windows 7 (one snag is 64 bit don’t work with all my printers – might also have to get a new printer as well (wll trade in the other one at work).

    I also will use dual HD monitors, full HD video playback and monitroing and editing and also eventual capability to link to DJ music controller (are the ones CPC sell as American audio any good?

    Creatng art and musc wil be a it part of ths system

    Now I can’t really arsed to built one from the motherboard and deal wiht multiple suppliers, incompatible components. (I spend enough time as It is dealin with this stort of stugg) So far I am looking ar HP and Acer. What do others thing?

    Are there even shops in Ipswich will build computers to order?

    I will try to find a on-line shop that build it up from scratch for you…brands often have hidden limits as they have their own components that eventually block for further expansion. I think Kung Fu Fader would be the man to ask, he makes music and play games and have monster of a desktop.

    In the mac world, their mac pro desktops are in between generations so it would be stupid to buy that now, but they run multiple platforms at the same time….( i know of some developers that uses mac to make microsoft os!?!) , imac could be an option but they are not to be trusted as a pro option and have limited expansion abilities(the mid 2011 editions are to packed to start with but U can get them custom made by mac if you order in mac-stor online, but that cost a bundle).

    Remember to get a stand alone soundcard what ever you choose to buy, not usb 2.0 controlled, ok if usb 3.0 or firewire (rather 800 than 400)(intel(remember this when you choose brand or motherboard) they are now coming with its thunderbolt standard but options are still scars but some good hd screens are now aveilable with this….) and its own power-supply and some proper active studio monitors to go with that. I think raj could give you more info on soundcards, I have a t.c. electronic konnekt 24D(old) optical connected firewire 400 controlled which means it sets back my 800 connection to a 400 due to it have to stand first in the daisy chain….Use some time on this choice because there are many to choose from….

    And another thing is sdd drive storage, its a rapid working storage used as a hd with no physical reading parts, and I will say that is a must to go with video editing.

    If you’re making music and doing video intensive things on the same machine you might have a problem. It doesn’t allways happen but the way every window after xp assigns IRQs for you and doesn’t let you change them your self can cause some very anoying conflicts between your sound card and grafics card (especial the mid-high end stuff) and there’s little to nothing you can do to correct this!

    My machine is set up for high end gaming and entary level sound production and both the grafics card and the sound card get assigned to the same IRQ so I get drop outs in my sound when making music and something even in games! Both the grafics card and the sound card NEED thier own IRQ or they will try and interupt the processer at the same time on occasion and cause glitches in the way the sound+grafics run.

    I don’t really deal with pre made systems myself so don’t know what to sugest for you, but if you do decide to go down the custom built rout either via a shop or a self build then you’re probably better off getting an external soundcard as there’s much less likely hood of there being a IRQ conflict as the USB ports allready have IRQs signed to them as soon as windows installs the drivers for the usb port (as i understand it – alltho I’m not sure if the IRQ’s change when you install a device to a certain USB port). Also you’ll not get any electrical interfearance from other devices in your machine what can happen with internal soundcards, especialy at loud volume due to the signal to noise ration ramping up the DB level of not just the sound but the background noise too. This can happen even if there are no ground loops in your wireing!

    Stear clear of firewire soundcards and from personal experiance M-audio soundcards as there’s loads of compatability issues with them both and there’s no real need for firewire unless you are in a high end studio or something, or have the time/cash to see if it will work/not work with your system and then buy parts acordingly a firewire port with a cirtain chipset that works properly with sound devices wich may not even be the problem anyway.

    You can’t use more then 3GB of ram with 32 bit OS’s either (I’m guessing you allready know this) so you would have to go with win 7 64 if you’re planning on getting 4GB.

    What is the order of priority of things you want it to do on it?

    Vidio editing you’ll want something like a nividia quatro. It has certain tech esspecialy designed for video editing where it renders on the actual GFX card it’s self taking a fuck load of stress off the rest of your system and speeds it up loads. you can get a software crack for other gfx cards what alow you to use the software that comes with quatro cards on other gfx cards … but it’s not ideal as it’s not optamised for this.

    Also what programs are you planing to use for both sound and GFX? As it will have an impact on the hardware, for example cubase can take full advantage of hyperthreading (turning one core into 2+ virtual cores – a very very over simplified way of explaining it) but pro tools doesn’t suport it at all. So for cubase you’d probably want an i7 processer as it’ll be alot cheeper then buying duel non-hyperthread processers like you would need to do for pro tools to get some where in same regen of preformance ramp from a single non-hyperthreaded processer.

    Almost forgot … what’s your price range?

    I wasn’t planning on spending loads on it, maybe about £300-£400 but it looks like I will have to increase it a bit..

    First thing I do when we approach a custom build for a friend is to get a list of all the things they want it to be able to do as the uses often lock certain hardware options
    The next stage is to find out which of those uses are the highest priority and what the price range is hoped to be

    From there we go to research whats out there as the hardware market is pretty volatile and put together the list of options around the relevant price tag

    My radio streaming tower is also a photo editing machine but will no longer play new games at max resolution though it does still play most of them {they just ain’t as pretty};
    I have a pro videographer mate – want I should ask him what he is using for his editing machine? its a separate pc to the one he uses for everything else btw

    Without all of the info above I would recommend a big processor and lots of memory for starters, a good graphics card, lots of fast HDDs and a high end soundcard At this point I would like to point out that a machine like this is likely to be pretty noisy without some fancy cooling devices – we have recently helped a pal rebuild a machine of similar specs and when its on there is no need to heat the room even in winter :laugh_at: and its not quiet; I am happy to do some poking around for you wrt system specs if you can give me some idea what software apart from windows7 you are wanting to run?

    In stead of just hard drives I would have look into the matter of getting a solid state drive, the prices are going down rapidly now and would be a winner when editing videos/pictures.

    With regards to SSD … you’ll probably want this for loading the OS onto but for your storage you might be better off getting some 1TB Samsung Sata HD’s. Depending on how much it will all cost as Raj sais you’ll need min 2 HD probably 3 (one for windows/programs , one for music storage, one for gfx storage).

    If you have SSD’s for storage disks then all it will mean is it can initialy load the sample/clip a bit faster this isn’t too important as once it’s loaded it’s in ur ram. Where as if you’re running programs off a dick there’s constant to a fro from the disk and ram so an SSD will give you a boost in program running speed here.

    ^^ Spot the spelling mistake (I allways make this error with some funny results – I left it in for your amuzement)

    @General Lighting 447238 wrote:

    I wasn’t planning on spending loads on it, maybe about £300-£400 but it looks like I will have to increase it a bit..

    If I was going to build a machine purely for sound production, an entary level machine (that will do the job and not totaly flake out) I’d say the parts would cost around £400 – if you’re adding a good gfx card this will increase the price a little.

    cheers for all the info.. gonna have to give this some thought as the costs are all mounting up it seems…

    BTW the IRQ problem is part of APIC and exists in non windows operating systems as well, I have the same issue when building telephone systems running under Linux as the line card must have its own IRQ as its sampling 4 phone lines 8000 times a second.

    TBH my main priority would be digital DJ’ing so I only want 1 stereo channel for playout, the other for monitoring + mic channels and I would use a external sound card as provided the frame of the USB hub is grounded and not left floating there is as you say way less noise.. although I have some music production skills I don’t have as much time but might want to get more involved in community radio in my area, so what I would be building up would be something like a mixed music / news type studio (I also have a bit of previous experience with this)

    Don’t SSD’s still have a limited read/write cycle?

    TBH conventional hard drives have been fast enough for video for about 10 years now, I was one of the project engineers on the master control systems of Channel 4 and Channel 5 in the UK and they were moving from tape to server based playouts back then…

    ssd now and earlier is two different things

    All of this angst from users about drive slowdown comes as a result of the early SSD which didn’t support TRIM and/or idle garbage collection which was certainly a problem over the long haul.

    have a look here on a the long term test;

    Samsung 470 Series 256GB SSD – Long Term Test Results – Samsung 470 – Where We Started – Legit Reviews

    (as you see in the conclusion is that os x does not support TRIM, that was back in 28th of may this year, on the latest update of os x ‘snow leopard’ (10.6.8) and the new os x lion(10.7) does support that, now you can get imacs and macbook pro custom made to come with only ssd. mac air is only issued with ssd)

    still £300 in Blighty though. I can see how it would be really useful for “frontline” video editing for independent video news in a laptop and for on the road stuff (indeed I can see how it can be useful as my netbook is often carried in my bicycle panniers and gets jolted around loads) but I could buy terabytes of storage on traditional hard drives for that…

    I wonder sometimes if Steve Jobs has some deal with IT-og-Telestyrelsen to subsidise Macs in DK, as every time I see someone using a computer in DK it seems to be one – and everyone from political activists to the cops and security services! (And my friend who is Danish uses one too :laugh_at: )

    I can see this getting expensive though, as I have a nasty feeling both my printers do not have 64-bit drivers 😥 and I do a lot of accounts work from home as well which requires paper printouts – though I might be able to get my employers to help with some of the costs of this system…






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology whats a good ready made desktop computer these days?