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Whats the weather like where you are?

Forums Life Weather Whats the weather like where you are?

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  • Looooovely :o)

    Stuck in my office however 😥

    But I do have the fire door wide open, and I leave at 1.30…

    Beer garden!! :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl

    Sunny in newbury ! ..

    :weee: :bounce_fl

    beautiful up here on the common 🙂


    fucking sunny!, looking forward to work, hoepfully im outside (fingers crossed)

    lovely, not a cloud in the sky! :weee:

    fuuuckin beeautiful
    perfect weather for drink and smoke up the common :weee:

    its been lovely and sunny today :love:

    cathdreadhead wrote:
    its been lovely and sunny today :love:

    Same here it’s been stunning, and i still can’t get anywhere near it 😥

    Another boiling hot sunny/sweaty day but luckly Im gonna be in the water in scuba gear cleaning the hull of this(only 35ft) boat that belongs to this American woman who with her 14yr old daughter and cat has spent the last year sailing all around the world just going from place to place how cool is that?the young girl seems proper switched on and intelligent and not a class room in site she is getting a education with a difference there Im full of admiration for both of them more so as the waters and islands where they have just spent the last 6wks up by the Philippines are rife with pirtates who aint above boarding small boats(big boats even)and robbing killing people, wot a couple of cool individuals Im awed.

    fuckin ace here today, i’m in well high-spirits, bouncin in me seat to some wickid techno/drum n bass mix raaa

    :bounce_fl <—- this is me :groucho:

    Fookin glorious morning! :bounce_fl <- look i am doing it too boothy!

    Hope this stays for the Bank Holiday! raaa

    yep is another lovely day the big doors open at work so least im not missing it got my 89 old skool on ..:bounce_fl :bounce_fl

    hot……humid , but very cloudy…..looks like its going to rain:bounce_fl

    General Lighting wrote:
    there was a bit of rain here (just outside Ipswich), one of the villages between Ipswich and Stowmarket, bur it seems to have cleared now.

    hasnt rained in stowmarket yet !

    kelz_side wrote:
    hasnt rained in stowmarket yet !

    that was yesterdays weather … its still sunny in Ipswich (not at my office yet, hopefully it stays that way as I’m cycling towards the countryside!)






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Forums Life Weather Whats the weather like where you are?