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When where and how did you first use the internet??

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology The Internet When where and how did you first use the internet??

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  • @thelog 481058 wrote:

    Yeah I remember getting my first virus from downloading comand and conquer red allert 2 from a fileshare program. Mother was none too happy

    I used to download C&C music at 9 😀

    @thelog 481056 wrote:

    Ps2 had online gaming access but it wasn’t very reliable,

    we used to get midget porn so I recon it must have been a ps2

    @Tank Girl 481072 wrote:

    we used to get midget porn so I recon it must have been a ps2

    *insert cliffy joke here*

    Might have been a dreamcast cos I used to look at midget porn on that. For show brudda

    OK, if the question is “internet” and not “World Wide Web” then my first experience was being a YTS trainee at a small industrial unit. They had a batch of modems to test for an installation, so I had to dial into (literally dial with an old rotary phone) the Maplin BBS service, just to check the things were working. Got my first PC experience at the same time. Summer of 1984.

    Multimedia it was not. Just 40 columns of text across an Apple II screen. 😐

    If you mean the Web, then I was actually pretty late, about 1999. Friend had a PC set up on dial up. After having played with Hyperlink software years earlier it was cool and reassuring nice to see the idea actually working online. 🙂


    Bloody hell, the first time I used t’internets must have been about 1998 give or take. I remember watching the world cup, thinly it was Germany vs someone….






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology The Internet When where and how did you first use the internet??