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Why are so many people against Ket?

Forums Drugs Ketamine Why are so many people against Ket?

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  • I don’t use the horse-nip myself. I’ve never tried it because I notice it gives users more of a desire for a solitary experience or wandering around and I just always want to dance so I’m not sure it would be a good one for me. Plus, I fear the hole. (I know it’s very different for the person going through it than for the people watching the person going through it but damn, it looks savage.)

    However, I do tire of the amount of negative comments I see and hear everywhere from anti-k party people. Most can’t give any reason for hating the drug and its users so much. They just say it’s a dirty drug or that they’re ‘not K people’, which seems a bit narrow to me. One guy said he felt it makes raves unfriendly if there’s too much K around and that K gets people aggressive, which is inaccurate – most of my male friends love the stuff at raves and they’re still perfectly cordial and fun-loving. Are people in K-holes some kind of imposition for anti-K ravers? Sure, they stumble around in a complete daze with a running nose for a while but that’s no worse than people going clean over like sacks of bricks after a heavy hit of NOS.

    One or two of my friends have received bitchy comments when they’ve been looking for K and stuff. A few weeks ago my friend thought he heard a guy behind him asking people for Ket so he turned around and said, ‘A guy over there is selling good Ket.’ Obviously, my friend misheard, because the guy fired back, ‘Do I look like a fucking horse?’ and skulked off. I don’t get why people still hang on to this idea of good drugs and bad drugs. Different people, different prescriptions, right?

    Anyone hate Ket at raves and why? Anyone love Ket and feel like a pariah?

    I don’t agree with the claims it makes people aggressive, unless they already have this personality disorder anyway and drugs reduce the inhibitions (but that can happen with alcohol and other drugs).

    I used to take it myself but only in small amounts and with good friends/in situations I can trust. I don’t do it now as I feel a bit guilty scoring off people half my age and encouraging them into a pattern of repeat use and dealing (to the point some have suffered serious health problems). my only concerns are the amount of injuries/accidents K heads have sustained and the health problems the stuff causes long term but thats a job for the NHS and other the proper authorities to judge, (which they are certainly doing) not a bunch of other equally sketch drug users.

    K was around in the early 1990s as well but was never popular – however a more aggressive atmosphere at parties is a cause of much more complicated political/social/enconomic developments in the wider society, not due to any particular drug.

    i hate k, but deep down i love it. it’s ruined me and put me in dark dark places but i still go back. other drugs i quit when i started feeling shit off them but k made me want more after going through severe pain not being able to move for 3 days (and that was only the start).

    the k holed people at raves are just plain annoying when all they can do is ‘bla bla bla’ and look blankly with a polo. it may make the party mood less friendly and more monged out but i’ve never seen k make people aggressive except for one of my mates who seems to get moody when he takes it but that’s about it.

    if people wanna do k crack on but i’m trying my best to not rot my brain, bladder stomach and life from this fucking crap drug which doesn’t even wanna make you do anything productive or show you anything about yourself, it takes you away from yourself into a hole.

    very short term use is fine, but it’s very addictive and the hole you fear is the high we all chase.

    if ket had been around as long as heroin you’d have heard all the bad stories from everywhere about it’s use but it’s so new it’s not very known like heroin addiction/damage.

    i could go on and on but i’ll finish with my worst worst experience ever… 5-6 day full on paralyzing cramp in non-stop severe pain which makes you whine like you’re gonna cry like a baby relentlessly. for 14 days i was still in pain and woke up every morning with chronic depression..

    if piketomus sees this thread he can tell you much worse stories of pissing blood and major cramp attacks in public and other fucked up shit.

    Why are so many people against Ket?

    cause they didn’t checked it out yet .

    talking seriously , because according to someone’s thought , she’s the real guilty in the old good times party scene’s ruin , according to others is too addictive ( pathetic … which drug is not addictive .. ok ok lsd that is other galaxy ) , and yes i also heard about this aggressivity issue and i agree with the wise cat up here is complete bullshit . ket is a shit , is several drugs in one , is big time if you do use your brain also while hammering it , is your ruin if you don’t imho . so i dont see the point in talking shit about k and then abuse other things . i like drug free people – unless they nag me just like everybody else – but that ket shit talking sounds idiotic to me

    My K days are behind me but..

    It used get on my tits when gullible uneducated people would say things like, ”fuck taking ketamin, it’s a Horse Tranquilizer! it’s meant for Horses !”.. :hopeless:

    thankfully that reputation is dying out. but up until a few years ago (and even today in some parts), ketamine wasnt that well known so many people would make up there mind about the drug before they had even tried it. believing anything they were told by there mates, myths and false information spread like wild fire.

    I think the ‘horse tranquilizer’ reputation will soon be replaced with scare storys about it’s addictive and destructive properties however.

    Basically i never knew it was addictive when i first tried it, and for the first 6 mnths or so of doing it i was just enjoying the psytrance partys and powerfull hallucinogenic side of it and didnt think i was doing myself or others alot of harm. It wasnt untill i began to like it so much that I was happy to sniff away even on my own, in my living room, infront of the telly that it began to become a problem.

    Knowledge is power. 😉

    TBH no-one attending current free parties has the right to judge K users whether or not they take the stuff themselves, as its often what has paid for the rig (and by saying this I’m not exactly telling the local cops oe SOCA anything they don’t already know).

    This is as much of a fault of the govt for making it class C instead of B/A or better still reducing the number of classifications to 2 like NL and thus reducing the risk to dealers whilst making the cash rewards relatively high.

    depending on who you ask; its because its destroyed loves of loved ones on quite a large scale or its because K’d up people are a pain in the arse at party’s in comparison to MDMA loved up types. Though personally I will take a K head over some sweaty bloke telling me how much he loves me and how much he feels the music any day.

    @HSB 457692 wrote:

    depending on who you ask; its because its destroyed loves of loved ones on quite a large scale or its because K’d up people are a pain in the arse at party’s in comparison to MDMA loved up types. Though personally I will take a K head over some sweaty bloke telling me how much he loves me and how much he feels the music any day.

    hahahaha thats the worst thing ever if your monging out or getting your nod on having someone one drone/md talking about theyre problems and how much of an amazing friend you are to them shit gets on my tits

    @Nigboat 457695 wrote:

    hahahaha thats the worst thing ever if your monging out or getting your nod on having someone one drone/md talking about theyre problems and how much of an amazing friend you are to them shit gets on my tits

    whilst they dribble their sweat all over you and then try and nick your spliff.

    people on loved up stims are embarrassing making plans to move in together and start up their own worm farm business until they sober up.

    @p0ly 457707 wrote:

    people on loved up stims are embarrassing making plans to move in together and start up their own worm farm business until they sober up.

    This post had me on the floor in laughter for about 10 minutes

    1) It’s antisocial, it makes it harder for people to talk to each other

    2) We’ve seen or experienced the damage it does first hand

    @Nigboat 457717 wrote:

    This post had me on the floor in laughter for about 10 minutes

    it’s true though 😀

    i’ve face palmed over and over and over at people on these drugs, occasionally they come up with a good idea but when they sober up they still can’t be assed or are too shy sober to mention it again.

    people seem to not be in control of how much ket they do and be holed for ages and then monged out for much longer, i feel really sorry for them but to them it was probably epic. one good thing about having a tolerance at least you aren’t the fool everyone’s pointing at cos the 500mg you just sniffed has done you in proper.

    I believe every drug isn’t the best thing for you. I have never done ketamine, and the people around me have ruined ketamine for me. I don’t ever want to try it. I don’t really like when people are doing it around me…. the first time I saw someone on ketamine was when i was at a friends house, we were having a kick back with some good friends. This one guy, lets call him L, was on a lot of ketamine… and he was walking all over the house and was like a zombie and was saying “I am sooooo hiiiiighhh” repeatedly, and he just looked like a total moron.. No one else was doing ketamine. He was the only one high on ketamine.. some people were on acid, and some people were drunk. I was drunk and when I saw L i was thinking to myself, Why the hell would you wanna be that high or high in that way. Don’t get me wrong, I love to drop acid. I just don’t like dissociatives! The second time i was around people on ket was in a hotel room, after a show, my friends were doing ket and i asked my friend what it was like and she told me “its a dis..dis.a..diss..a…dis..ass..oof…diss…a…” i was like “dissociative?” I couldn’t imagine really want to try it after that… and the last time i was around my friend on ketamine, we were chillin in her room with one other friend, and she basically did .5 grams in one line. and she turned pale and was talking straight non sense and… i mean… I was kind of embarassed for her.. It was kind of funny. But i wasn’t laughing with her, i was laughing at her… She was scrambling her words….Idk all kinds of shit. and then when she got off that high, she told me she never wanted to do ketamine ever again…..ten minutes later…she rails the other .5 gram she had lmao.. and she turned wayyyy pale and her eyes were like opening and closing and moving all over the place, rollin in the back of her head. and i kind of freaked out like “what the fuck do i do” and then i realized… this ketamine shit is so fucked. I never want to do it. Im not against it… I just would never want to do it… Im sorry for this ramble…. lol






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Forums Drugs Ketamine Why are so many people against Ket?