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Why isn’t ice big in the uk?

Forums Drugs Amphetamines Why isn’t ice big in the uk?

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  • I just don’t get it

    • Amp sulphate is sweet and subtle but
    • pseudo is still over counter ( well it was when I was there)
    • the punters would go ape shit over it
    • is it that coke is soo cheap?
    • are precursors highly restricted?
    • is glassware too hard to get
    • or is it that you just couldn’t be fooked?

    I love my d-sulphate but fuck me its nothing compared to d-meth


    I think you’d be very surprised by the quality of pure suphate and it is far from subtle as I and a dew doctors can attest. As for meth never catching on it’s a question I’ve asked myself. As you say, pseudo can be bought over the counter, the shitty methods that aew used by fools to make it wouldn’t appear to be the problem and the precursors shouldn’t be difficult to obtain over here.

    Coke could be a reason but I think it’s shit and it seems a dew peeps on PV share that opinion so who knows, the glassware might be a problem but that would only seem to be an issue if you plan on producing large quantities regularly.

    As for not being fucked, I have read about 1 meth lab in this countrey but that wasn’t a drug bust it was a gouse exploding that led to the discovery so mayve less lazy but muchg less stupid 😉

    Fair enough brother cheers – I agree d-amp sulphate has some clean and long kick but it misses that saturation point that d-meth releases serotonin

    However if I were to chose a comedown from d-amp sulphate and d-meth I would chose d-meth any day, for some reason the sulphate comedown is like lucifer ripping your soul from your eye sockets and shitting fire back in to fill the gap ….uuuuggghh

    Not dexamphetamine, amphetamine sulphate. Remember there are many types of amphetamine but people seem to think they are all 1 for of a thing called amphetamines. Amphetamine is just the shortened for of alpha-methyl-phenethylamine and if all uoi tried is dexamphetamine then yeah, you would be underwhelmed as I was when I tried it.
    I have a few books with synthesis in them for different forms of amphetamine which I’ll dig out if you are interested. Which reminds me I’ve promised many people on here I’d dig them out allsorts and never have so this’lll gimme some motivation hopefully 🙂

    Where basically talking the same

    Dextro-amphetamine sulphate (d isomer & sulphate salt)
    Amphetamine sulphate (d/I isomer racemic & sulphate salt)

    By rights, as the d isomer is more potent of the two so dex-amp should be the stronger?

    Maybe at massive doses but that’s not what I found the few times I tried it. On fact I had a friend who got sectioned and was supposed to be detoxed from amphetamine at the same time. They started her on dextro and apparently she was off her tits the entire week then her consultant told her (and I have no idea how trye what he said was) but there was no dex available soon enough in the country so her was putting her on ritalin instead which is the only time I ever tried methylphenidate and while she seemed happy she didn’t really have a problem in the 1st place but it wouldn’t have been enough for me.

    While I generally say alcohol fucked my life the most, that speed fucked my mind and body far worse. I almost wish I’d spent those years as a smack addict cos the mental and physical anduish that you go through after weeks awake but still feeling invincible led to some of the worst and scariest times of my life so for me to even try and compare it to things lest than meth is just ludicrous.

    Meth isn’t big because over in the UK, we’re not daft enough to make the components legal. simple as.

    I think a real big factor is quite simply the stigma still associated with meth use over here. Even the open minded individuals will be careful who they admit heroin, crack or meth use to. There’s nothing ‘cool’ about it’s image here. You can be a stoner and others might see you as a bit of a dude. You can be a coke head and you might be viewed as a bit of a boss. If your into psychedelics, people who don’t take them may consider you brave, or even of a higher intelligence for the understanding of spirituality brought to you through heavy trips. Or quite simply because you can list chemicals other people haven’t heard of because they are not part of that scene.

    We’re stuck in the stone age in many ways as a nation. Stereotyping is probably the biggest cause of people in the UK generally avoiding it.

    All fecken great answers, ice has single handed destroyed my life, it’s the devils love child. I just would have thought the underground would have see an opportunity to make big money, get the kids hooked at bingo

    I agree, seeing someone racking up some nice powder in a club has a better sex appeal than twirling the glass bowl or mainlining it

    Honestly I prefer speed to coke and I’m not a big fan of stims anymore either.

    @isocortex 588326 wrote:

    All fecken great answers, ice has single handed destroyed my life, it’s the devils love child. I just would have thought the underground would have see an opportunity to make big money, get the kids hooked at bingo

    I agree, seeing someone racking up some nice powder in a club has a better sex appeal than twirling the glass bowl or mainlining it

    Also, people in the UK don’t tend to be very adventurous. Unless you are a ‘I’ll try it all at least once before knocking it’ type of person, people don’t tend to venture off into the unknown. They quickly establish what they like and rigidly stick with it.

    Before aMT was banned I bought several g of the stuff after trying it, thinking I’d be able to shift some. I was badly mistaken though. Round my way at least, if it isn’t common knowledge people will be super cautious around new things. Offering people aMT got me nowhere because that was just 3 meaningless letters, giving it its full name had an even less impressive impact, as it would just go over people’s heads. So I had to invent a way of describing it that people could relate to. So although not a massively accurate description; I was telling people I could get hold of a chemical that was a legal equivalent to MDMA and Mushrooms all rolled into a single substance. Even so, people were often intrigued but thought it sounded too hectic so that didn’t really get me anywhere either. In the end I gave up and just kept it for myself. I decided it wasn’t worth trying to make a few bob out of other people’s ignorance. It was time to call it a day when I found myself having to explain to people the most basic things like; what a milligram was, and why you’d be an idiot to hoover up a 200mg line like you might do with coke.

    Had a similar thing with Etizolam too. Stocked up on those thinking everybody enjoys a benzo every now and then, they’ll be easy to get rid of. Again I underestimated how thick your average druggie can be. Once more people were backing away from this strange sounding substance just because the name was unfamiliar. Telling people it was a benzodiazepine got me little headway as people didn’t know what that meant. Rather than explaining what it was and what it did, it was far simpler just to tell people it was Valium. Again, having to find the basics of what people could relate to.

    Where was I going with this? That was all a bit of a ramble. Oh yeah, because ice isn’t already a ‘mainstream’ drug over here, few are prepared to explore that option.

    probably bc of proximity to big producers in mexico and asia… just a guess though

    Good point BD

    @Digital Buddha 588400 wrote:

    probably bc of proximity to big producers in mexico and asia… just a guess though

    @Tryptameanie 588401 wrote:

    Good point BD

    Meth is a big problem in some countries in Europe. I read somewhere quite recently that Czech Republic has the highest rate of meth use in all of Europe, in some of the most badly affected areas it estimated that about 20% of the population in these areas had either previously used or were current users. I think Poland has quite a big problem with meth too, when they’re not getting drunk off Vodka lol

    Absolutely right and Thailand has a massive problem as well. It’s just America.






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Why isn’t ice big in the uk?