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Window 8?

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  • probably wrong forum but this section gets more interest what do people think? I upgraded as it was stupidly cheap but quite like though skip the metro interface (though I can see what they were tying to do)

    I noticed a bunch of affordable new laptops have it already installed, but if I did upgrade I would want to be sure my DJ software works well with it. TBH I would stick with Win 7 for as long as 2 years until first bugs are removed and software made more compatible. I only started using Win 7 last year and at work the bulk of PC’s are still XP based. But I install and work on PC’s for businesses and we can’t afford to take chances or be unpaid beta testers. Even at a radio station I volunteer for we can only use XP PCs as the main audio playout software crashes hard on Win 7.

    BTW people use “active topics” here so even if you post in the computer section the thread is still looked at. Some very brainy people visit here as well with good advice, it may not be instant but its worth waiting for or referring back to to solve problems.

    stick with windows 7 I only upgraded because i was using XP (or possibly vista I forget). Could someone move this to the correct forum for me. Cheers

    this would be for a new machine, the issue is that it appears Microsoft are subsidising better hardware machines to encourage sales of both the new laptop and Win 8 (though I bet the usual MS bloat would eat away at any gains)

    the only reason I would want the computer is for live mixing at the radio station as all my current music is digital and it seems daft copying it on to CDs and trying to beatmix on a setup which isn’t as ergonomically ideal as the CDJs are the smaller rackmount type and in a position which is between a conventional radio mixer and a DJ mixer. I will wait a few months and then see if high spec Win 7 machines are also heavily discounted 😉

    One thing I would say in kindness to Microsoft (i know its rair but still) is that each upgrade of operating system doesn’t seem to chug resources like it used to. Windows 8 seems capable of running on an average computer whereas back in the day you almost needed a total upgrade to cope with the new OS. I think is is probably as they are aiming for the tablet market with its lower specs rather than being kind mind.

    I’m actually really happy with W7, vista can burn and die forever and XP can fuck off too.

    All about the 7 for me now until i need some super computer with mega ram n shit for playing games in 5-10 years when they get better.

    @p0ly 504788 wrote:

    I’m actually really happy with W7, vista can burn and die forever and XP can fuck off too.

    All about the 7 for me now until i need some super computer with mega ram n shit for playing games in 5-10 years when they get better.

    As far I understand it windows 8 is windows 7 with the metro interface bolted on which is of no use if you have a touch screen.

    The only annoying thing is if you install a program as an app it only works on the metro interface meaning you have to install a different version to use in normal windows. And the two versions in no way interact making the metro interface useless from my perspective.






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