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Your Beer Of The Moment?

Forums Drugs Alcohol Your Beer Of The Moment?

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  • Busch ICE

    Anything with some flavour to it – cannot stand those fizzy-piss-lagers like Carling or Fosters or typical mass-market crap like that which only seem to exist to get lads drunk and leery.

    So my drink of choice would be ales like hobgoblin, nice hoppy locally brewed IPA’s, or continental imports like weissbier from Germany. Nom.

    fucking love the ‘Leffe’ brown, 6.5%, very nice stuff.

    right now, im not sure how it happened, and i doubt anyone will be on my wavelength, but its big bottles of bud! it just goes down really well… too well. and if im out, i’ll get tuborg if i can cos i got hooked on that stuff in israel cos its like the most popular import of something… and i love it… and if im not feeling the summer vibe then it might be a bishop’s finger or an old peculiar… im def going with the bottle vibe… i cant stand cans anymore… if im drinking out of cans then im just a poor alcoholic… if i drink out of bottles or in pubs i can give myself a more lofty title… oh yeh and hoegaarden, but thats a long ongoing love affair

    @i_hope 489039 wrote:

    right now, im not sure how it happened, and i doubt anyone will be on my wavelength, but its big bottles of bud! it just goes down really well… too well. and if im out, i’ll get tuborg if i can cos i got hooked on that stuff in israel cos its like the most popular import of something… and i love it… and if im not feeling the summer vibe then it might be a bishop’s finger or an old peculiar… im def going with the bottle vibe… i cant stand cans anymore… if im drinking out of cans then im just a poor alcoholic… if i drink out of bottles or in pubs i can give myself a more lofty title… oh yeh and hoegaarden, but thats a long ongoing love affair

    I’m with you on the bottles. i will drink free cans though.

    Hello guys, I love these two beers most Heinie & Corona.

    Loving Coors light at the momment!

    The one that should be in my hand.

    right now leffe and blue moon when it’s sunny but rochefort is the best ever

    Bottled Tuborg

    it changes quite frequently, but i really enjoy MGD

    Anyone tried Palm? Great belgian beer, few places sell it over here

    I’ve stopped drinking larger now, back on the bitter and ale.

    Anyone tried Rekorderlig? I’ve been drinking it loads this past week with it being good weather!






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Forums Drugs Alcohol Your Beer Of The Moment?