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Your BEST Acid?

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Your BEST Acid?

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    Small thin gelatin squares , nothing but nothing has come even close to what one of these did.

    THEE best acid I ever…….I can’t remember what it was called but I was so enlightened, I built a DeLorean, built a flux-capacitor, went back in time, made tottenham win loads of trophys (39 in total), told a man to create a website called partyvibe and the rest is history.

    BTW, jesus wasn’t as wonderful as he seemed, he was bare pompous, had a club foot, was deaf in one ear and had THE worst halitosis I have ever seen.


    @XVI 479780 wrote:


    I really enjoyed reading such an introspective trip report. 😉 Welcome to partyvibe!

    @dubstep_joe 479781 wrote:

    I really enjoyed reading such an introspective trip report. 😉 Welcome to partyvibe!

    Lol I feel my life has been bettered by that post hahaha

    California! Uber Alles! California UUUber Alles! <- Dead Kennedys track

    (California Sunrise, mid 90s. Complete sheet looks like a Tarot sun card).

    Was like looking at the sun from Mercury. I would say that mic dosage is very important, maybe the picture causes subliminal inclination, but… UNFORGETABLE.

    Since took 1 trip 12 years ago. I’m a reformed character now. Don’t need any more chemical consciousness expansion… maybe a cup of tea every few years.

    A cup of tea ever hour for me!! I’m proper addicted to tea l

    @Pat McDonald 480035 wrote:

    California! Uber Alles! California UUUber Alles! <- Dead Kennedys track

    (California Sunrise, mid 90s. Complete sheet looks like a Tarot sun card).

    Was like looking at the sun from Mercury. I would say that mic dosage is very important, maybe the picture causes subliminal inclination, but… UNFORGETABLE.

    Since took 1 trip 12 years ago. I’m a reformed character now. Don’t need any more chemical consciousness expansion… maybe a cup of tea every few years.

    Now it is 1984
    Knock-knock at your front door
    It’s the suede/denim secret police
    They have come for your uncool niece


    @Кеисер Созе 480057 wrote:

    A cup of tea ever hour for me!! I’m proper addicted to tea l

    Is that fungal tea? Or just Typhoo regular?

    Now it is 1984
    Knock-knock at your front door
    It’s the suede/denim secret police
    They have come for your uncool niece

    You’re kind of late with THAT news… ooh, I’m taking things personally. A 1, a 2, a 1 2 3 4…

    Acid Monkey is back and hopefully I will get some strong clean acid like the first time I got them dalai lamas… 😀 but its not until the end of the year and then ill buy a few hundred worth of acid to last 😀

    Blue microdots and clear windowpanes!

    Blotters wise, them grey buddhas were awesome back in the day.

    @Chrispydelic 488544 wrote:

    Blue microdots and clear windowpanes!

    Blotters wise, them grey buddhas were awesome back in the day.

    I never tried micro dots.. I hope thats what I get at acid monkey

    Hydrochloric – it’s great for getting rid of the bodies!

    @MC G-Tek 488547 wrote:

    Hydrochloric – it’s great for getting rid of the bodies!

    I like a spot of sulphuric myself, I like the eggy smell

    Sulphuric is good mate, makes it smell like they’re farting with fear as you dissolve em!






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Your BEST Acid?